A Tale of Two Brothers

Once upon a time, two brothers lived in a faraway small kingdom. One brother was the king, living in a large castle with high towers. The other lived in a small cottage, living off his small farm.

One day the king was riding towards the nearby woods for a hunt with a party of noblemen and courtiers when he met his brother on the road. When he saw his brother in his ragged farming clothes he asked him, “Why do you lack so much in ambition, brother? When we came to this land years ago, we were the same, you and I, but now I am the king and you are but a farmer. If not the king, you at least could have been a lord with lands where other people farmed for you.”

The brother smiled.

“When you look out of your windows in your castle,” he said, “you no doubt enjoy the beautiful scenes of the farms scattered all around the countryside. Why, I enjoy the scene, too, only I’d rather see it up close.”

“You are short-sighted brother,” said the king shaking his head. He spurred his horse and rode away with his companions.

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